Name: Yanna Tingzon
In Game Name: Felicity
(Rapsiel and Yanna are my other chars)
Age: 15
Gender: Female
Reigon: Jakarta, Indonesia
Time Zone: GMT+8
Past Experience: I have been a GM once before, and I do know some GM codes and the basic rules. I had a few friends that were GMs on other servers, so they usually explain the codes to me.
Why You Want To Be A GM:Becoming a GM looks fun but I know that I have to do my job which is helping people and keeping an eye for hackers. I’m patient with people but Iget a bit annoyed if players do a never ending spamming and begging. I would love to make events and keep this server up. I think I'm obedient enough to follow the rules and approachable to ask for help.
I will try to come online everyday, but please note that the only times I can't come online so much is when i have my exams coming up, overflowed with homework or when I am in holidays. But most of the time, I would usually log in and check on the server
What I could to help is try to invite more people to this server and trust me, i will do this.
What Would You Change About KingFlyFF If You Could:Well, I wouldn't really change that much. The rates are fantastic and so are the awakenings. Although, I think that the mobs in Azria is too tough and hard to aoe.
How long have you played: I have played flyff for 2 years and a lot more of other private servers. I've been playing this server (funflyff) for 3 months.
About you:I'm half Filipino and Half German, though I don't speak both languages well, mostly understand. My main language is english and my birthday's on June
I'm a patient and nice person, although I get pretty annoyed if players are rude to me or other players. I also think that its a bit irritating if they spam a lot for money or items.
I'm active when I don't have much homework or with my exams up. I can play minimum for 2-3 hours. My maximum was probably 6-7 hours.
Oh and if you would like to contact me heres my email: