Name: Gill
In Game Name: Lurpe (1vs1 Knight)
Misterio (Blade)
Kamiano (Asal Bp)
Lurpexd (RM)
Age: 14 and a bit (almost 15)
Gender: Ehm? Shemale? idk xD
Reigon: Belguim, West-Vlaanderen for who want to know...
Time Zone: GMT +1 (Paris,Brussels, central europe, Ah you know where)
Past Expierance: Well, I've been GM for 3-4weeks (korn flyff official files),
And 1.5-2months GM on old Korn flyff
And I had me own Pserver for 5months (but It's down now)
Why You Want To Be A GM:1) I hate some GM's ( I don't tell their names)
2) I want to help people with their problems.
3) I want to do MUCH events.
4) I want to make KingFlyff a better place
What Would You Change About KingFlyFF If You Could: Well, I would make Aminus only 1 time a day with a team, That means you can't go in when It's not in the 'event time'.
Why i would do this: Cuz now every1 has MUCH vampire/ancient weps and nobody buy them anymore, So if they do this; the prices gonna go up again (that's good for the sellers) And maybe it's gonna be a big event? Who knows?
But they don't gonna do it lol, they are to lazy.
They don't even add a make up specialist and a Hair specialist.
So i would Add a make up specialist and a Hair specialist. I mean I would ask it.
How much hours a day you play: Well, When it's school 2-4hours
And in the weekend I start around 8.30 am to noon, I have a break to lunch.
Then I play again 12.15 to 21.30 (If i don't need to go with parents)
How long have you play flyff: Ehmmm, I play Eflyff for like 3years now, and Kingflyff of the start, I always played it.
2-3months KornFlyff
I had me own Pserver for like 5months (It's down now)
About you: ,I'm Straight (Sorry guys). I got 1 sis (10years old).
I do electricity at school
I had 66%
and ehm me hobby's are wakeboarding, skiing and computer games
More information: I know the GM commands (not all, just the most importants)
I made some people started to play KingFlyff
And i got many friends here. (Or I think/hope they are me friends...)
Idk I'm pretty sure that they don't gonna take me, cuz ehm... They choise their friends.